Tuesday, 12 July 2011

Video Case Studies: Innovate on Google Apps

The Google I/O Developer Sandbox is an annual tradition that gives innovative developers a chance to showcase their companies and technologies to others at our developer conference. This year, 24 companies were in the Google Apps Sandbox showing the products and custom solutions they’ve integrated with Google Apps. In case you weren’t able to see the Sandbox firsthand, we want to share a couple videos from these companies to spread their knowledge and excitement with the rest of the ecosystem.

Assistly - Delivering customer service, fully integrated with Gmail

Assistly is a customer support application from small to medium size enterprises, integrated with Google Apps Single Sign-On, Gmail and social networks and available for purchase on the Google Apps Marketplace. Assistly is one of many great business applications which make the vision of 100% Web viable today.

A couple spoilers:
  • 70% of Assistly users leverage Gmail
  • The Google Apps Marketplace is a Top 5 distribution channel for Assistly

Cloud Sherpas - Google Apps reseller, custom app and admin tools developer

Cloud Sherpas is a Google Apps reseller that helps companies migrate to Google Apps and fully utilize the suite of web-based collaboration tools. They’ve also built SherpaTools on Google App Engine, a corporate contact management and IT administration tool for Google Apps available for purchase on the Google Apps Marketplace.

A couple spoilers:
  • Cloud Sherpas has had a 3-fold increase in revenue year over year
  • SherpaTools is servicing domains totalling close to 3.5 million users
We’ve also created video case studies of 17 additional companies who are innovating using other Google technologies, such as App Engine, Chrome/HTML and Android. Check out the full playlist on the GoogleDevelopers YouTube channel.

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